Star Trek 2009 - Review, kinda
Movie Poster/Cover. Courtesy MemoryAlpha |
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First, they definitely emotionally invested the watcher in the movie right off the bat. A very good move I might add, it absolutely worked. And I LOVE who they got to play Kirk's parents.
I totally dug McCoy's entrance. LOVE Bones! It was always hard to pick a favorite character, (can't I have Sulu, Spock, AND Bones?) but McCoy never failed to entertain me. Some chicks loved Kirk, I loved Bones! That might be a lot of my mom's influence too though.
I can't stop laughing at Bones in the beginning of the movie... "I can fix that" "OW!" The actor doesn't seem to sit in the roll well though, like he's trying really hard to convey the unique way Bones voiced his sarcasm. It isn't really working; doesn't sound right. Maybe the writer just tried too hard to reproduce Bones. Maybe I'm being purist and just don't think he's reproducible. (shrug)
PS: Fencing. I definitely squeed. The bit of Sulu fencing in Naked Time was probably when I had to add him to the ranks of my favorites. He was a great character, don't get me wrong, but I liked him more when he was older. In this movie they don't really develop him at all, so he still just looks like the kid from a hamburger movie. I'm sure they'll work on that later.
Chekov, who is supposed to be 22 when he joins the crew, is 17, and apparently good at everything. He was kind of good at everything before too, but I think they just tried to push "boy genius" a little hard.
Uhura. I love her basically the way she is. The exception I have is the relationship. It's, at the very least, fraternization. Ok ok, I just don't like it okay?
Spock. Ah. My other favorite character. The Yin to Bones' Yang. I think he's the reason I dug Odo so much on DS9. Would that make Bones the reason I dug Bashir? Hmm. I do seem to like the doctors. (Here's peeking at you Crusher!) I liked the way they did Spock. Once again, I think they pushed the "yea he has an emotional side" a little hard, but I get the feeling they really wanted to embed what they felt was the force of their personalities on the New Trekkies.
Scotty. Sure. I can dig it. Not sure why he was planetside, since that was never his shtick, but they had to get Kirk off that planet somehow I suppose. It's funny listening to the Brit try to be a Scot, but my comments are the same: They tried to bottle the personality and serve it on a platter, it was cute, but fell a bit short. Still.
All in all, it's hard for me not to enjoy it. I probably won't put it on regular rotation to watch over and over or anything, but I like it.
In Summation:
The movie, was entertaining. I have a hard time with some of the actor choices, but suspect it's that they're "not them". The writers and producers tried really hard to make it Trekkie enough, while leaving an explanation and room for overwriting all of future history. Interestingly enough, something that bothers me most is one of the romantic pairing. Ah well.
*Note, External inertial dampener. (Referencing a discussion had with my dad and friend David, all Trekkers, on an instance in ST Nemesis requiring some technical maneuver that we were having a hard time defending.
Entertaining. Not MY STO, but, not bad. :) I definitely liked it.
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