Lindsey Stirling Concert

We interrupt this regularly scheduled school-night for this news:

Lindsey Stirling totally rocks in concert.

If you have no idea who this is, take a moment to educate yourself:

We just got back from seeing her in Fort Lauderdale, and it was awesome. She's so cool.

I didn't take any photographs or video, since I knew anything I would have taken would be crud compared to what I could find, and besides that I'd SEEN photos and videos of her, I wanted to see her in concert! So I did.

Absolutely must share this outfit she wore for the first "set" though. White satin asymmetric riding jacket with white feather trim on one flank and black sequins elsewhere. Just a fantastic piece. It was buttoned up the left abs with a huge black brooch. Absolutely adored it.

She also wore a white dress for Song of the Caged Bird, and the bustle was made of feathers! Way pretty. It was so lovely hearing her sing in person.

She also wore a brocade hood and vest piece that, to me, reminded me of the SCA. So definitely upholstery fabric, but glittery!

Seeing her dance and play in person was just, so wonderful. My face hurts from cheering and my feet hurt from dancing/jumping.

OMGOMG she did a Michael Jackson melange that was awesome. Even wore a silver sequined glove on her bow hand!

I'm going to share these photos, but they're not mine. They're available on Flickr and I'm posting them without permission, so poke in and see the photographer's page eh? I'll leave their links below the photo for credit and in the References at the bottom!

SO MUCH FUN. Now must to bed, I have much work to do in the morning.

Putting the pictures after the jump, since I've left them large size!

By Jeremy Stoutamyer.
This is the amazing jacket! LOVE LOVE LOVE!

By Brandon Howe.
The back of the awesome jacket. Note the feathers on the left flank, and black roundlets up the same side. Such a great jacket.

By zeno108.
A great photo. I snagged it to show the bust of the jacket, but the brooch came loose in this shot. Still a great shot.

By Brandon Howe.
The Caged Bird dress. Beautiful.

By Brandon Howe.
Singing! You can just barely see the white feather bustle. Such a beautiful dress! She sings beautifully too! So talented!

By Jeremy Stoutamyer.
The brocade hood and vest. Had to be SO hot, but it twinkled gold when she danced and just looks amazing.  The hood stayed on the whole time; magical peacock hair.


Brandon Howe


Jeremy Stoutamyer


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