What I want my Blog, er Life, to be about!

This week has been very self-revealing.

Firstly, I'm looking more at my public persona.
As I get farther into my teaching courses I'm coming to terms the fact that, while I never really worried about keeping private life private, students and parents and even the school districts may "Google" me. I remember reading about a teacher who had a private photo of herself holding a Solo cup; she was forced out of her job for the photo even though the most inappropriate thing about the photo was her duck face. When looking for that article to link here I found yet another article of a teacher forced out of her job due to private photos of her holding wine glasses while on vacation! (1) While I've always held to my own adage of "if you don't want your grandmother to see it, don't post it" glasses of adult beverages don't fall under that category. I've prided myself on having a blog that's accurate over the years so I kept all the quizzes and whiny posts of my adolescence. It kind of pains me to trim them, but from a historical standpoint they're not terribly important anyway.
(1) http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2011/02/06/sunday/main7323148.shtml?tag=stack

Asking myself what my blog life is about.
SO, what do I want to put in my blog? Well, me. My adventures. Yea, my gripes, but even I don't like going back and reading those, so strike gripes. How about what cool science articles I've been reading, so bookmark where we are historically? I always enjoy when an old journal or letter mentions a "new" technology or medicine. Definitely fun time spent with my family. I actually made a bubble-chart of the things most important to me. I figure if it's not "important" to me than I probably don't want to reread it later, and that means YOU don't want to read it.

More than school, family loss drives introspection.
The past few weeks have been a rough ride as we lost someone very important to us. It feels weird to go through old pictures and think that there won't be any new ones. It also makes me think of how I'm taking time for granted. I assume that certain people in my life will always be there; that they'll still be around when I finally graduate, finally have kids, finally have time to hike the Grand Canyon. Doesn't always work out like we plan, if we plan to begin with. I've put up countless posts just randomly barking about work and but some great moments I've spent with family never made it out of draft. Silliness! I realize I do a lot of things that way. I bookmark good articles in my RSS feed to read later, then scroll through all the other junk. By the time I finish with the junk I don't have time to read the good ones and they wait, and wait, and wait. How can I be doing this all backwards?

A few changes make all the difference.
I've already started condensing some of the labels around here, and pruning pretty much anything that consists of just a quiz or me whining about daily nothings. I won't have time to go through and clean out everything, because going overboard is as bad as doing nothing. I also don't want to delete the blog and start from scratch because I DO have good memories stored in here. I still want to try to blog once a week but I'll be a bit more discerning on what I cram in there. I'll rely more on my Twitter for the occasional "book status update" and "PT log" (unless I can find a Fitocracy widget).

I want to look back on the good parts of my life. The challenges, the friends, the adventures. That's what I want here. That's what I'll blog about!


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