Why GoDaddy is an awesome company:

I've had WeyrCat.Com for... longer than I should admit. Over a decade now. My Dad got it for me as a birthday present and I've been taking up cyberspace ever since. I've used GoDaddy for as long as I can remember and when my previous free hosting fell through I picked up some GoDaddy hosting (great deal 4.99 a month!) Now, last month (approx) I bit the bullet and put a redirect on my DotCom to kick people over into my Blogger, since I simply haven't had time to keep up with the ways the Internet demands pages be built and photos be hosted. I do most of it through Google services now (Picasa, Blogger, etc) but I hadn't turned off the hosting. 

A GoDaddy rep just called me to let me know I was being billed for something I wasn't using and offered to cease the payments. She says that often times people will do something like I did, or simply stop using their FTP, yet continue to be billed. How nice that a company, that could have stayed quiet and let me be auto-billed, pulling in money for nothing, to call me and let me know. I've dealt with companies before that actually REOPEN old accounts to start billing you from them again (ahem, Wells Fargo) and GoDaddy goes out of their way to make sure I'm not spending more than I need to.

I pitch them when I hear someone talking about needing a site or hosting, and this is why. Great business practices, great customer service, great service period. I've never once got off the phone with a GoDaddy rep and been irate. That speaks volumes.


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