Grades, Goals, and Giggles.

So. Today I found out I got a 95% on my Biodiversity exam. WOOT! Also, this means I only need a 65% on the Final to keep my A. I of course wouldn't settle for that, but it's nice to have the security.

I took my dread Chem exam today, the raw score is 72% (ugh). We get to write our choices down and then compare them to the key that goes up an hour after the exams are closed. My first test was around the same, but was raised to a mid B due to some tinkering and curving. I'm hoping this does the same but I'm disappointed. I know I redirected a lot of effort into the Biodiv exams (the one above and the Practical Final tomorrow). I'm going to put all the time I WAS putting into the Bio Lab into Chem and see if I can't strengthen my base before the Final. I need a 90% on the final to keep my A. Bleh.

Still no word on the History of Civ exam. It takes forever for those TA's to get back to us. I know they have their own exams, but sheesh. I did get a 95% on my rough draft. Happier about that, since the rough is 15% of my entire grade. Together with the final draft, the darn thing is 35%. The final exam is only 10%, and I'm breaking my neck and fingers twice a week trying to get her notes down. Ah well.

Shane and I started a competition this week. We're going to use the fighting spirit to put us back on the health track. We've let the stress of the semester bite us in the face (or is the bottom?) Did 0:27:30 on the Ellip at ~5.7mph, 2.44mi and a supposed 300 calories burned. Good, because I ate Salsarita's today because I didn't wake up on time to pack food for an 11 hour day at the university. Bleh.

My niece Ashlyn turned 3 today. Reeeeediculous. <3

Registration opened today, but I couldn't...
From the FB: Yo, MORONS who run the university servers. If you can't convince Admin there's a better way (over thousands of students trying to login to register at once when it 'opens') you might want rent more bandwidth for the night. Dicks. The whole 'self-service' area is crashed out. I was logged in early, ready with CRNs in notepad. Got auto-logged out at midnight (something the server doesn't normally do, I might add).

I was/am irritated. :( Jocks get to register a day ahead of 'real' students, and now I'm going to lose a slot to someone else too. It's hard getting what I need to mesh with each other and work. Harumph. Can we do registration by GPA or something? Seriously. Then, if I had to wait because I didn't have a high enough GPA, that, I could deal with. That some moron or slacker or god-knows could end up with my precious chem lab (there by precluding me from chem lecture, and setting me back A WHOLE SEMESTER FROM GRADUATING) makes me... peeved. It's been an hour. No choice by to give up and hope I can get some tomorrow. I need to sleep so I can wake up and continue avoiding the house/chore/dog/shopping/etc so I do well on my final.

Some giggles: (It won't let me put the images next to each other grid style. Bear with as I get the hang of it.)

Not a giggle but awesome.
"Girl Scouts Replaces “Fashion, Fitness, and Makeup” Badge With “Science of Style”

Post by George Takai, no less!

And oh yea, if you're a Blizzard Baby or looking forward to D3 (or just fondly remember the first two) you'll like this. 

An NPR article "Evelyn Lauder Dies, Co-Founder Of Pink Ribbon Breast Health Awareness"
"Evelyn Lauder escaped Vienna, Austria with her parents in 1938 after Hitler annexed the country. The family eventually arrived in England where they were separated for a time. In 1940, they sailed to New York." "She was a vice president of the cosmetics corporation founded by Estee' Lauder, her powerful mother-in-law." She died at 75 of non-genetic ovarian cancer.

Inhabitat posted an article about some tidal turbines that should power 4,000 homes in Europe in 2012. I need to remember to go dig up more about it.
-World’s Largest Tidal Energy Farm to Open in France in 2012.

aaaand something awesome from last week, when I wasn't flooding the internet with awesome :)


  1. Congrats on a HUGE semester under your belt! I absolutely HATED History of bored me to no end.
    I know how you feel about the jocks getting what they want first. I never got around to asking, (just coming up for air this semester) what did you change your major to?
    Hope you and the Hubby have a great holiday together!


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