'Stop being so awesome, you make us all look bad.'

I was told by the LT that CPT hadn't signed off on my opera date (apr16) because it was too early too (I put it in Jan20). There's a memo in the computer today stating no more days off are to be requested/granted for apr17/23 cause 'the week is taken'. LT has an APPROVED vacation slip, that whole week, put in 3/11 and signed 3/12.
Furiouser and furiouser.
I'll keep my scuttlebutt to myself, but I think favoritism is rampant in the brass here, and it's pissing me the heck off.

This week I've also been chewed out for being efficient in a way the Cpt hadn't thought of, and was accused of trying to set policy and overstep my job description. The idea was thrown out (though co-workers tell me, without prompting, that she trashed it 'cause she didn't think of it, not because it was bad.)

I've also been reprimanded for doing MORE than any other Patrol officer would have, yet it was somehow not enough. I should have called the PD to wake up the resident who yet again forgot to close his vehicle door. I checked the perimeter to ensure it was his carelessness again, and not a thief. Apparently, that was too dangerous.

I am to remain ON THE PHONE (my personal cell btw, since we aren't issued one) the whole time I walkthrough the clubhouse, since an officer found vandalism and drugs last week. He did NOT call the PD (in that instance he should have). I've asked around and no other patrol officers (I'm the only female btw) has been instructed to do this.

Aaaall stemming (or awfully damn convenient timing) from an offsite LT using my name in a report, in which this other LT caught another patrol officer leaving half an hour early (timesheets are poor babysitters). The Cpt believes I was trying to get the lazy officer fired. All this coming so quickly after is awfully odd, don't you think?

She once buttered me up over my adherence to SOP and work ethics, my attention to detail on patrol and in report. Spoke of trying to get me a mini-raise so I wouldn't change sites over money. Now all this.

God help those who help themselves, cause no one else does.


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