How does my garden grow...

Hmm, actually lists seeds by Zone (10b=us) instead of vague zone (Goldenrod) like the other plant guide (that I like but may not be specific enough). WHOLE different planting schedule. This one says everything I planted was put down too early for 10b. My Turnips seem to be doing fine, but might explain why everything else gave up. Does mean I should be able to sow the seeds I already have & try them again. (Pfft says Cauli shouldn't be seeded til Oct!! /fingers crossed..
I want to try to eat some Turnip leaves. They're fighting hard because they're all so bushy. Bet they'd do just fine one-leaf-less each. Since my original schedule says my turnips should be done next Wedesday I'll pull one up to see how big it is. I can always put it back, probably.
I'm going to try to move the wee beets to their own square, overshadowed as they are by the turnip leaves, and seed a few more down. I don't like them much, but I can probably add them to one of the processor soups.
Added pix of the Conquering Turnips & the poor shaded beets. The SugarDumpling squash flowers are so pretty before the ants get them: they've already killed two squash. I need something stronger than my organic bug killer /frown/. Also, the cukes after I trellised them. They were unhappy, but it had to be done.
The woman who saved a snail last week committed mass murder on caterpillars eating cucumber leaves the other day. I stopped counting, their wriggling green bodies getting plucked & tossed if they were large, and shmooshed if they were tiny. Some were creating lil silken caccoons out of leaf edges. Eeeeeevil. I think I have one tiny cuke growing.. Pix later!!
I give up on my set-up for seedling. Need a proper one or none at all. I have only weeds a mushrooms now. That one possible cauli stalk gets taller & taller, but grows no True Leaves. Hmm.


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