I can't tell my kids NO, but I can click ACT NOW!

So I'm surfing around on the Facebook, reading little updates from pages I've liked (thus turning my Facebook into a kind of personalized newspaper) and as I click off-site to read a little thing on Cork, I see in the upper right an ad to "ACT NOW!" and petition to "Tell McDonald's: Stop Using Toys to Market Junk Food to Kids".

... Are you serious? First... are you delusional enough to believe that if enough people ask a corporation "pretty-please" that they will stop doing something that brings in tons of money just because YOU dislike the practice?
Second, It's Mcdonald's JOB to make your children whine and kick and cry for a Kid's Meal. Sure, you can get crappy chicken nuggets anywhere, you can even make them at home, but they want that super cool toy that comes in the Kid's Meal.. at least, they do for five minutes until they forget about it.

"Once children are in the restaurant, they can select fattening fries and soda with their Happy Meals." YOU are the parent are you not? Does your 7-year-old steal money out of your purse to run to the McDonald's, and if he did do you think that kid behind the counter would actually serve him? Well, they might, but YOU are the one buying the junk for them! Aren't you the one driving to the McDonald's, shelling out $5 for the Kid's Meal (and getting yourself a Number One with everything of course, since you're there). McDonald's isn't tricking your kids into buying junk food anymore than than Skin-amax is tricking your kids into watching soft-core porn.

"When children or parents order Happy Meals, they are automatically given French fries 93 percent of the time, and offered soda first 78 percent of the time." YOU are the one's making it available to them. You, the consumer, the one who brought the kids to the fast-food joint in the first place, ORDERED the food. If YOU didn't tell the clerk what you wanted, who's fault is that? The minimum wage food-service kid behind the counter following the corporate guidelines for a default Kid's Meal, or the parents who don't pay attention to what they ordered for their kids because they were too busy deciding between an Oreo Shake and an Apple Pie? There's always going to be something your kids want that you do not want them to have, but if YOU are the one delivering it to them you have no one to blame but yourself.

"But regardless of the nutritional quality of what's being sold, the practice of tempting kids with toys is inherently deceptive," Deceptive? To offer kids something they want so you'll go get it for them? I suppose JCPenny's offering you 10% off their Home Entertainment Systems, knowing you'll pick up some extra cords, batteries, accessories, is just plain deceptive too. I wonder if advocates like this even think for themselves. They seem to be advocating the removal of everything on the market they feel is outside of their perfect vision of how to raise their families. I don't like Soda, it makes the dentist visits expensive. Let's just remove it from the market. You know, video games rot children's minds with violence and FORCE them to stay inside instead of playing outside, let's make it illegal for people under 16 to buy them. Actually, Public schools teach evolution which is outside of our religious views, so let's outlaw it and replace Science Class with Christian Mythology and Prayer Time. In fact, let's just reshape the world in OUR image, so we never have to raise our kids again. 

Don't whine and cry when someone tries to market stuff to your kids; just man up and tell them NO. Then, educate them about healthy foods and YOUR personal values. COOK in your homes and teach them from a young age to LIKE healthy foods.

"Please urge McDonald's to only sell healthy kids' meal options and stop using toys to market junk food to children."

You are the one making your kids fat, lazy, and stupid. Not McDonald's, not the media. You.


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