Update: Work, School, Gym

(Caption: How DOES a busy wife stay fit AND plan such marvelous meals?)

Blogger has been down a week so I'm multi posting. I don't want to swap to WordPress, it still lacks some functionality I've grown accustomed to.

I got two calls from employers the other day. One for a windshield hocking place and the other a security job that wanted to see me 4 hrs later for an interview. I ironed out some decent interview clothes and hit the road. At the end of all things they told me that the day I got my Class D license (FL version of the UnArmed NC Guard Card I already have) I have a job. They also quipped about needing EMTs, so I pitched Husband. They'll take him too when he gets EVOC. WEEE. We signed up for our respective classes that evening. My D can be done this Fri on a walk-in. His EVOC isn't til July10. I'll get a job first. I win!

Also signed up for Soc this fall semester at FAU. Need it to apply for Nursing. Was going to CLEP but I'll have to take something this year to be considered a Student and not have to re-apply. Still classed NonRes though... Either they haven't seen my appeal yet or it was declined. I'll call today.

So I'm not exactly going stir crazy, but I do need a job. In the words of Styx.. I've got tooo much, time on my hands...

Gym in the morning, but I'm so sore from yesterday that I'm just treadmilling to get my 2mi distance.
At 2.75miles and 57mins I learned th machine will not let you select a time greater than 60mins. Ah well. I had an hour to walk and pour over cookbooks. GLEE!

Amusing note: At the grocery I snagged a mini bag of Cheetos and Husband told me he was going to make me work it off. I went to bed with 8718 steps, over 3miles. Bag was about 300cals. I win.

-WalkTread 0.5inc 60min @avg2.9mph 195cal, 2.93mi.
Walk CD 0inc 2.5min 2.4mph 0.7mi.

Interesting, after the machine quoted me the 3mi, my Pedo only told me I'd gone 2.6 or so. Hmmm.


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