May17.10 Gym. Ellip? +etc.

I think it was an Ellip. Cybex. No avgs at the end (lame).
0:35:00 "Cardio" program. (No personal input for wgt/age). HR started 120s for first set of 15resistance, then looked high 160's rest of the time. Spent way too much time above 170 for my liking. Goal: do that same program til my heart stops wanting to explode.

Ran simple errands today: got some money back for unused UHaul boxes, turned right around & picked up some pants from Goodwill (we were both hurting for some). Didn't get any house-browsing done. Meant to stalk some online & webside-classifieds.

Starting to look forward to running the dogs, even when they get filthy. Brushed out a Katie today, Rook still won't sit still for it :P

The weather here is so odd. Pours for 10min, then dries up. Still not drinking enough water. Need to get back on my feeding schedule. Spinach? What's that? I get all messed up without a proper job/school schedule.

That's about it. I need to get the pix of the dogs up.


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