A lil bit on "Gays in the Military"

This is actually a kneejerk reaction post about a comment Spc. Chamiracle Speight (USArmy) made in the Fayetteville Observer on the subject.

See, Obama has called to "end the ban on homosexuals in the military" which I see as a good move (though there will undoubtedly be some ridiculous backlash.) Sgt. McCarty says that he knows some gays who get their job done just fine and shouldn't have to lie about their orientation. I agree, anyone who outs themselves to their unit is asking for what they get. Do they deserve backlash, no. Will they get it if the dumb homophobic hick down the hall learns there's "one dem fags" livin two doors down? Probably... which is why allowing gays in the military probably won't make much of a stir in the Gay Community itself. These are people, and they're not stupid. They've already told the people it's safe to tell, and even if "allowed" to be where they already are, aren't going to go waving rainbow banners around Fort Bragg, North Cackalacky asking for some stereotypical slackjacked homegrown private to beat him up cause he "looked at him funny."

SO... Spc Dummy thinks that 'repealing the ban could open the floodgates for unprofessional soldiers more interested in finding a boyfriend than in their duties. I don't think they'll be focused on the mission." HERE'S the best dipshitting part: Spc Speight is a FEMALE. Let's reuse her comment in a different situation, let's say, allowing FEMALES in the Military.
"Repealing the ban could opent he floodgates for unprofessional soldiers more interested in finding a boyfriend than in their duties." Gee willerkers Batman, that sounds EXACTLY THE SAME! Spc, did YOU join the military to nail male soldiers? I'll withhold the slanderous "probably" and just go with "No? Then how about not assuming everyone else who likes staring at Gerard Butler's butt, and joined the military, did either." Baffling how she, a woman... could not see the connection in what she was saying.

First off, kicking people out of the military for their sexual orientation is stupid. It doesn't affect their job, and they have the same ignorance rate as straight soldiers. The article quotes that 13,000 have been kicked out since Clinton started the "Don't Ask Don't Tell" in 1993. Let me tell you though: Most of em don't get kicked out. They're generally tolerated by all but the severely homophobic. I know a retired First Sgt who told me about having to deal with a soldier of his when the soldier's boyfriend came into his office to ask for help breaking up with him (guess the soldier didn't want to let him go.) The idea that if you get 'Outted' it's an immediate discharge is a figment. No one wants to lose good soldiers over what they like to do with their wee-wee in their offtime (unless it's illegal of course.)

SO. That's really all I had to say. Some female makin a stupid comment, and I felt the need to share her idiocy with more than just the Fort Bragg, Fayetteville, Cackalacky lackies.



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