Humanity Today...

Me (14:22): Guy died yesterday... Of a sprained knee. Well, had a knee injury 8months ago. But @550lbs he couldn't get out his recliner. EMTs took him to Hosp, covered in
Me (14:26): Decubitis & waste. Wife said he slept &defecated in the chair, & she cleaned it everyday. How do you clean waste out of a LayZBoy?

CNN says a couple was arrested of child abuse for tying down and beating "with closed fists and wires etc" their daughter. They did this, because they were shamed by her. The lil tart (of 8 years old) had allowed herself to be lured to a shed and raped by four boys no older than 14, one of the nights they'd locked her out of the apartment and left her begging for food from the neighbors.
•Mom & Dad... Burn in hell. There isn't enough paper in Staples for all the papercuts I'd like to administer to you before I bathe you in bleach and light you on fire.
•Neighbors.. Wtf? No one takes the girl to CPS after this happens frequently? No one even calls the Police? Wtf is wrong with you?

Also.. The new US Preventative Task Force guidelines on Mammograms:
(Previous: Yearly after 40. Manual breast exams by doctor as part of periodic health exam. Every 3yrs in 20s&30s, every year after 40. Also, manual self-exams starting at 20. Early detection is key!)
NEW guidelines: Recommends AGAINST mammograms 40-49... Recommends every TWO years 50-74. Recommends AGAINST manual self-exam.

Um.. Wtf? We find a cure or you people just cutting corners? Most docs feel this is economy related & will continue to recommend the previous standard.. Which remains the American Cancer Society's guidelines.
SO all you women who found lumps pre-50... You'd be dead. Everyone with mastectomy's resulting from Mammogram at 40.. Yea. Dead.

Didn't we just have that "Save the Ta-Ta's" thing come out? Encouraging young women to self-exam right? Jeeeeeeeze.

Ok.. Done being negative today. Kthanks.


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