090223 Gym

Callahan gym:
trying out one closer to home now that we HAVE one. A home that is. Crampy bloated, broken hand, STILL in the gym. /forced to be hardcore./

30min Cardio RecBik. *Ok the recline bikes here such. No feet straps, broken like the light

panel...Cal timer off too. Should be Res3, no way up to 600cals already!

Crap.. Just realized I can't see timer panel! Oh well: It'll stop. I hope.

..most the people here look eh too... BeCAUSE gym es ick? One hardcore lookin chica on the treadmill cross the way tho. >.> Wonder how Hubby's faring.

Seated Leg Curl 3/10 35lb. 1/10 20lb Pos2. Feels funny. Eh.

Lower Back Machine. 3/10 35lb

While in process I feel more than my other free motion thing, something about it irks me...

Rotary Torso 2/10 25lb Ow!

That concludes my weird workout, but hey, I came, I cardiod, I kicked some ass. (Saw one much nicer than mine tho, is there such a huge difference between 20yr old butts & 26? Maybe she's just gifted. /shrug/)

Now. Feed Me!

~From WeyrCat's Treo


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