090102 +3.5 Aaaand No New Years 5k...

FitSum(Yesterday): Run3.5m 35:16 ended at 7mph! Pu2.
FitSum(Today): Pedo: 4390
To Mile Marker 100: 93.9/100!!

Yea, today my pedometer tracked only the steps I took in the Museum when we saw the Dead Sea Scrolls, as 3 hours of driving doesn't earn you very much.
Was supposed to go to the Marine Corps New Years Resolution 5k tomorrow, paid for and all, only miscalced the time it would take to get there :( We could get there, and run it, but the probability of getting back home in time for me to make it to work? Low. Thus, Hubby says we'll run our OWN 5k tomorrow morn, and he'll buy me a shirt. (Yes, I demand a shirt when I run. I only don't have one for the Special Forces 5k I did, and that was due to a lack of Pre-Reg on my part. Lacksidasical.


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