Two Unknown Soldiers

*GPS Gravesite on GMaps.
*Photos to: com/cem/cem3_081027

As I drove from Fort Bragg to MacDougal Downs in Raeford I always saw this brown sign (which I think means Site to See) and a small set of stairs (A1). However I was always in a hurry, in traffic, or with Hubby, so I never got to stop. Oct27.08 the road was empty, I had some time, so I watched for it.

I crawled to 40mph on the 65avg road, and when I finally found the stairs I pulled onto the wild shoulder. Making sure no one was going to run me down, I crossed over and read the elusive sign for the first time (A2). An area entrenched in 1865! As I approached the stairs and photographed them, I noticed how white they were. Marble! (A3) Marble stairs in the middle of nowhere? At the top of the small hill was four posts, fencing in a stone (B1)!

A gravesite! Here! The stone read "Two Unknown US Soldiers" (B2). (My thought on the way home was 'US before or after the South lost?') A small green vase had some old water in it. I couldn't tell how long it had been empty, but the small US flag next to it looked new in comparison.

I went back down to the car and continued my day, but how wonderful that all that time the spot that fascinated me was a GraveSite!

- From WeyrCat's Treo...


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