
Quick updates:
•Kim Harrison's Outlaw Demon Wails was Awesome, but felt like the end of the series.
•Laurel K. Hamilton's Lick of Frost was good quick-n-dirty Pulp, as always, with a happy but disturbing end.
•I'm in the middle of Hamilton's latest Anita Blake: Blood Noir. The first half seemed like so much explaining and justifying ( some un-fans calim its her response to people claiming there's more sex than content, but the sex was always well placed and written. The talking in this one wasn't so much out of place, but resulted in the book's storyline feeling secondary and taking half a book to get there. Laurel: ignore the bantering hordes! We the loyal enjoyed them without justification! More blood, fangs, and fur plex!
•I'm also in the middle of City of Pearl by Karen Traviss. I'd forgotten how much o liked SciFi Fantasy's.

Today is the 1-Yr anniversary of our First Date. Since I work today and was off yesterday we sort of celebrated it yesterday. It was a wonderful day. Woke up to a big breakfast in the Engineer's DFac, loaded up on fruit at the AWESOME Farmers Market. Went back to the room and relaxed for a few hours, went Grocery shopping (picked up some dry goods for coworker's family too: their house burned down the other night.) Went to Jade's and Shane cooked a wonderful dinner while I entered a bunch of Cap Codes.

Then we ran. It was such a good run, I was worried I wouldn't make it even our normal route with the aches in my shins, but we ran the 1.8 and I could still do more. We added the Clan Campbell loop and ran Independence until The last corner. I didn't whine. I didn't beg to be able to finish, I just finished. AND we did 25 pushups at the end! It felt so good to be able to run it. Like my pain before, when near the end, was all mental. It felt, good.

We showered, ate, and went to go see Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull. It was sooo bad (lol). Worth 3 dollars at the Dollar Theatre, but they tried too hard to relive the old days. Cheeeeese!


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