Running... The Wrong Way.

I wonder if I should change the PT out of the Military category. I rather like it there though. If nothing else I'll leave it as an homage. I hated running before I started training for the Marines. It was a motivational issue. I prefer spending my energy on others, instead of myself, and training for Boot Camp somehow felt like for Others.

Even in High School I ran just fast enough to complete that mile. Just enough to pass and not be the last person. GOD I never wanted to be that last person. Especially if I was one of the only girls who could do a freaking pull up ("Come on! Just imagine Leonardo DiCaprio's on top of that bar! You're WhatsHerFace reaching up for a kiss before you sink into the Ocean!!') *Yes, I am from THAT generation.*

THAT, is the Beginner's 5k Training Table for RunnersWorld.Com.

I wanted to poke the intermediate table, but it starts out at running 2m WHICH I discovered the other day I cannot do. Comfortably. Too long of a break. Though I needed it for my knee, I'm not sure if the COMPLETE loss of mileage is going to be worth it. I'm running a 5k on Saturday. Well, running as well as I can on 4 hours of sleep (Who the heck scheduled me for a 12 hour shift, ending at 1am, the night before my race? Bunch of jerks.) Anyway, there's no way out of the work, and I've been looking forward to this run since I still thought Shane would get to run with me. But without him, without my motivation this is, I'll be running completely for me, and not to impress anyone.

I have to remember that some of how I do will be based on situations I couldn't control. But I will still finish!! I may not finish as fast as I did for my first 5k. And I may look back later and see this race as a blemish on my record. (But I think that speaks highly on how I think I'll do after this :D)

I'm going to hold to the little 5k Training Schedule, since unfortunately most of my running must be done in the mornings when Shane is at work. He gets to do his Gym when I'm working in the evening, so our Together running is maybe once a week on his weekend. I miss running with him. He really is my motivation.

You should see him running with his shirt off. O_O

Ok, so that's it for now. Busting my butt with the wedding junk. Working hard hard OT hours. Just cleared $2,375 off the Credit Card of Doom! (Its not paid, just moved somewhere under 25%apr. I'll chip at it where it sits, comfy on it 11%apr.) I get married in 29 Days. He comes home in 5.

A little edit.

Ok, if I start this Monday, giving myself Sunday off to live in an IceBath after that run, I should do this. Now, Notice the 11th. "Run 30 Mins". There's a lil 5k in Wilmington, that Thursday before our wedding, and I would love for us to do it. IF, I can run 30 minutes, I can run a 5k! My first 5k was freaking 28:53! I'm not sure why it has 3.5, THEN 5k. Maybe because once you've distanced past it, 5k doesn't seem so bad.

I want to get to the point where he and I can do some of the shorter runs together, and later I can be confident enough for him to go do the longer runs I know he's capable of (so he's still challenging himself) and I can do the shorter ones by myself. I keep reading that it's going to take me longer to get to the point that he's already at, simply because I'm a female with a history of snapped bones and owie knees. It's ok. I'll run that marathon with him someday. Even if I'm 45.


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