(X) Mount Saint Helen's

The sky is giving off an orange glow, like that of Dawn or Dusk, but sovery orange. In the middle of the day the world looks as if it isbathed in the candle glow of a pumpkin... appropriate for October. TheSky itself is the faint shade of watered down peach sherbert...White-orange versus the normal White-blue.
Theories around here are that Mt St Helens erupting might have spurredjunk into the air, causing the sky to look the way it does for the lastweek or so.
*Notices that this entry is starting to sound like the beginning of amovie about the end-times lol. I'm sure its not that serious, but itsounded good while I was describing the color ^_^
ON the otherhand, Kimberly and I spent the morning battling with thecollege's phone machines and answering machines trying to get answersabout my residency and classes.


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