(X) Nulled 4k Marriages

Well its certainly been an interesting day already, and its only 10am. Wow I haven't posted in a while lol. Been lazy ^_^ I have some back stuff to post aswell, not sure if I'l get to it.

So here's what I woke up to: I read in the paper that California has nullified the almost-4000 gay marriages that Mayor Gavin Newsom of San Francisco sanctioned in February. I understand that he didn't make it a law or anything, just up and said "Ok you can get married" and that made it against the law or whatever, but I still think its stinks lol. I almost wonder why he couldn't just make it a law for the state of California or the city of San Fran at least, but then the government says its majority rules, our protection, blah blah blah. I understand, it still stinks.

Also in the news today (The only other interesting thing in the newspaper I might add) was about New Jersey Governer James McGreevey resigns after announcing that he had an affair with a man, violating his marriage vows. I guess someone knew and tried to blackmail him for millions of dollars to keep quiet, and he gave them a position in the government somewhere to keep them happy and the government noticed. So he resigns. I kinda think it sucks that he resigns, because his personal life (to me) doesn't affect his job, until he starts giving blackmailer's cushy cabinet positions O_o. There was a poll on CNN.com asking "Would you vote for a gay politician" and the vote was somewhere like 70 percent Yes and 30 percent No. Nice to know that there are some intelligent people out there to don't feel that bedroom preferences mess with the persons ability to govern. I mean really, there are probably more gay, bisexual, and fetishists in the government today than anyone can count, but I guess no one minds as long as its kept quiet.


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