(X) Music

July24 443pm
I finally listened to this band my sister listens to called Otep, the song was Warhead. Surprisingly a very poswerful and opinionated Political message lol, still death metal though. It sounds like crap, some bleach blonde psycho femme singing death metal isn't something I'd really listen too very often, but I was interested by the fact that their incoherant screaming was actually about Bush's war and the fear tactics floating through America's media.

Completely blown away lol. I still wouldn't listen to it, but maybe I have a new lingering respect for some of the new death metal bands hehe. *Runs off to listen to Slipknot's Wait and Bleed like a good lil hypocrit.*

OH! And last night (more on my sister's music) I had been listening ot LaunchCast and went back to rate the songs I had heard and one of them turned out to be "Join Me" by H.I.M (his Infernal Majesty), a band Janine had been asking me about before. I checked out the video on Launch.com, and it was very stereotypical "I'm SO GOTh, IM DEAD!!", but there was something haunting and curious about the song itself. I liked it. The whole feel reminds me of a type of life I used to find interesting, but there's something more than that in the music, not sure what it is. I'll have to listen to them a few more times to understand lol.


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