(X) Ty Comes to Visit!!


Mar19-01.01p My Mood is: Happy but tired lol.
I'vebeen meaning to write for the longest time, and because of the events ofthe last 2 weeks this is probably going to be a looong entry lol.

Lastweek I got to babysit a family-friend's two daughters for the week. Igot to pick them up from school, ride with them on the bus home, andthen make sure they did homework, showers, snacks, piano lessons, etc.All the little things that go with babysitting. And it was reallyreally fun! I got them addicted to Neopets, even though it wasn't reallymy fault. They had pets before that they had forgotten about. The bestpart of the week was the last day I babysat. NO, not cause it was thelast day, but because it was a weekend day so we got to do lesshomework and more playing lol. The girls (7 and 9 I think) and I builta gingerbread easter house! We mixed the stuff, decorated it, ateenough frosting to drive a diabetic into a coma (sorry Nina), and thentook pictures lol. I promise to put them up the day I get themdeveloped, but the camera isn't full yet. lol. (I intended to writemore, but but else can you say about two awesome, fun, super-coollittle girls who beat my butt at pool TWICE IN A ROW..... :D

Anotherawesome thing that happened this past two weeks was Tyler. Yes Tylerhappened, fell right out of the sky! Actually, he works for a companythat outfits Fry's Electronics with stuff and he got to come and workon one not too far (only an hour or two) from here! He and Chris(Mike's Dad) drove down and we chatted a while, catching up oneverything goin on in our little Phx. Then we kidnapped Tyler andstuffed him in a sack. :D We took him on a tour of our littleLodi/Woodbridge town at night. He definitely has to come back in thedaytime lol. We had dinner at the original A&W Diner here in Lodi.Yum!

Whenwe got home we forced him to play Cranium lol. Kimberly and I had theunfair advantage that we were on the same team lol, and we stomped themthe first time with a bunch of lucky rolls and easy questions. When weplayed the second time it was George and Kimberly against Ty and me,and I think everyone had a lot more fun. Even though Ty and I gotpretty stomped ourselves lol. It was tons of fun. Ty and George spentmost of the night catching up on games and computer stuff, and playingguitar. But was was so fun to get to spend time with my Tyler again.George and I miss everyone out in Phx so much, it's so wonderful to getto see them! We're working on getting Ty and Zach out here for a weekin the summer before I go back to see my family. That we be wonderful!That night we took some pix, just because it had been so long since wehad all three together. Kimberly and Russ were already crashed so wecouldn't get a three-pic, but we can do that the next time he comes out.

Onthe way to dropping him off the next morning, we watched the sunrisethrough the car windows.(Btw, Ty took the sunset pic) I wish George could have seen it, but he hadto stay behind and go to a meeting at work. After dropping Ty off (andsome long hugs lol) Kimberly, Russ and I sat in the car in the parkinglot playing on our tronix lol. They played Scrabble together on theirpalms, and I got my Yeasty Bread trophy on my Meridell Neopet!

Wethen decided to wander off to a few malls that we hadn't seen before,and even ducked into the closing Wizards of the Coast store. (I gotsome Neopets TCG REALLY cheap lol. Starter deck thats normally 10 foronly 4! lol. I went a lil nuts, but its ok hehe. We also went to thebeach while waiting for the stores to open. We were going to go to MuirBeach, but went to Stinson Beach (which is a little farther away).

Thedrive up was very twisty, and Kimberly and I were quickly nauseatedfrom it all. It was so beautiful though, and we both forgot ourcameras. The cliffs and their dropoffs into the white foam andblue-green sea was gorgeous! The fields of purple flowers in thevalleys beside just beautiful! I saw a RAVEN! The thing was HUGE! HereI thought I had seen them, but they were only crows, nowhere near asbig as this bird. It must have been a foot or more tall, as big as athanksgiving turkey! The ocean was gorgeous, it was truly the firsttime I'd ever really seen it. It didn't seem to have an end but for themist and fog on the horizon. I touched the ocean, and it was sticky lol.

Kimberlyand I found SEA GLASS! It was so cool! First it was these dark almostopaque pieces with sand and dirt in their centers. In the pic the shinypiece on the bottom left and the tiny piece on the bottom right arethose pieces. All the bright blue and green are glass that found fromthe sea as well. Russ thinks they are just bottles and things, but theyare so smooth, and thick! Rounded and the large blue one has sandembedded in it! Sea glass! The shell you sea has purple on it, and Ithought it beautiful, and the tiny purple piece next to it is probablya shell too. The tiny piece of abalone beneath the shell is pearly andsmooth, and to the right with the hole in it I'm not sure. Maybe a fishbone. Beneath those is a quarter of a sand dollar.. hehe a SandQuarter! :D. The three greens at the top left are just beautiful, andthe red/white piece beneath it sticks out neatly. There is anotherpiece of black looking glass beneath the red, and then to the left ofthat a perfectly flat stone I want to mail to my mom. The huge thing atthe bottom left was just weird, it has this smooth dip out of it, likea stone made a chip in it and the sea dug and smoothed it out. I lovedthe ocean, and was so sad that George couldn't be there. But we'll goagain, to Muir Beach next time (less twisty) and we'll being ourcameras AND George! lol.

Happy St. Paddy's Day!lol. Late that is. That day I was just grarrl, and George decided thatwe needed to make a green cake lol. So he made the cake while I watchedQuest for Camelot and colored my dragon poster I got for xmas.:) The cake was delicious lol. Click on the cake for a delicious pic,and then click on George to see him holding the delectible treat. :DHis parents loved the cake too lol. It was yummy. But George cut hisfingers unknowingly on the Duncan Hines frosting, scary.
So,that's been about it lol. We've been doing our schoolwork, George hasbeen working, and we just rearranged the room. Or rather, we're in theprocess lol. OH! My Birthday is next month lol. If you really want toget me something, I'm very into Neopets this year lol. I have thePurple Shoyru, the Pocket Neopets: Meridell, Faerieland, and Kougra.There are still more pocket Neopets I'd like to get my hands on, andother lil plushies too lol. But thats the obsession/addiction talking.The thing I want most if just to see all my family and friends again,and I think I'll be granting that one around June :D So until the nextepic-journal lol, hasta!


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