(X) Butterfly Effect
Jan26-o4 12.05am. My Mood is:
Yesterday and Today have been rather good. Yesterday I think I just kinda hung out for a while lol, did not much of anything until Kimberly offered me to go see a movie with her. We went and saw Butterfly Effect with Ashton Kutcher. With all the hype about him, we ended up having to listen to some whistles etc, but other than that we were rather undisturbed. Except by the movie, that was one DISTURBING movie, it was really awesome! I loved it, I jumped so many times, and then had a hard time getting to sleep last night because of the stuff that kept going through my head. It's a reeeeally good movie that disturbs Me, 10 points. I will own it lol. Afterwards, Kimberly and I went to pick up George, and met up with Russ along the way (he was waiting to pick him up too.) We all went to a Mexican restuarant(sp) and I got the seafood soup. The thing was HUGE and I got to crack open crab legs the first time! lol. I had a whole Half-A-Crab in that bowl, half a body and like 6 legs attached lol. It was awesome. Well, like 4 legs and 2 pincers or something lol. It was really cool. I got most of it in the take home bowl, there was no way that I could have eaten it all there, but I shall make a valiant attempt at home lol.
Today I just kinda hung out again lol. Worked a lil on my page (in vain) and then played some D2 with Tyler for a while. It was nice to go hack and slash for a while, even if it was with the character I've been neglecting. I wore my new Curious George shirt today. Kimberly got it for me yesterday when we were piddling time away in Target. Its so cute lol. I love it. Matches my Curious George locket ;) When George got home we screamed through his homework and then went to hang out with Todd and Debbie. We watched a lil of "Dude Where's my Car" on tv lol (more Kutcher, but by accident) and then watched "Goodbye Lover." It had Ellen DeGeneres and that crazy blonde lol. It was pretty twisted, only slightly predictable. I liked it.
Now however I'm kinda tired lol. It's been a good couple of days. Let's hope I can make it a streak ;) Now if only I could fix that problem with my webpage... lol >FOOP
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