Primal for PS2 - Circa 2003

Primal for PS2 - Circa 2003

(Links and Walkthrough at bottom.)

Quick Rant: European VS American releases. The PAL release, or European is different, in strange ways. Besides the cheat codes being different all the screenshots I encountered while looking for nice images for this site seem to point to the fact that the PAL version of Jen has a different head. It's much more round and pouty and far to Lara Croft looking. Whether that sells more in the UK than her regular head is not my area of expertise, but I find it irritating. It also seems that in her Ferai form the weapons dont glow, they still have the claws, but her body hadn't changed and she wasn't glowing. I don't know if that's the case, but that's what the screenshot showed. I read a review asking if Primal's Jen could be the next Lara Croft. NAY I SAY! How horrid to compare Jen to this Lara Croft. There is an awesome scene when Jen gets her wraith power in an Aethan graveyard. She goes a little nuts and smashes a tombstone, but you can clearly see before she smashes it that the tombstone said RIP: Lara Croft. I think this is a good message. Primal isn't Tomb Raider, and shouldn't be compared. This game can stand on its own two feet. And as far as changing her head to look more like Tomb Raider, aren't you just saying "Look, she looks like Lara, buy this game!" You don't need to do that! This game doesn't need to remind you of Tomb Raider to be awesome!!

My favorite wallpaper that I have found for this game is the image you see below. I shrunk it down of course ;). I had another one just like it before, it was her standing there, but the background was just plain. I liked this better. At the bottom of this page you can find links to a few different pages who will have wallpapers that I deem worthy to link to. (I don't link to crap.)

 Jennifer Tate (Jen) is the main character. In the opening movie we learn that Jen's boyfriend Lewis is in a band, and after a local concert she and he are attacked by a monster. Jen trips and gets injured and the monster runs off with Lewis! We cut to Jen in the hospital, unconscious and according to the doctor, near death. Her spirit rises out of her body and we meet Scree, a 3 foot stone gargoyle come to guide us on our quest. He whisks us off to the wonder that is the Nexus. The Nexus is the centerpoint of Oblivion, where the four worlds meet. Time stands still there and only the realm of Mortalis (Earth duh) has mortals in it; (no, really??) There are two powers in Oblivion, Order and Chaos. Arella is the essence of Order and Abaddon of Chaos. Abaddon has been disrupting the flow of energies from the realms and diverting them away from Arella and she is weakening quickly! You are the only hope of the four realms! You must go through each realm and set whatever Abaddon has done Right again! Scree gives you something that will help A LOT along the way, your Vambraces (which are the bracelet things you see glowing green in the image above.) Note, while you're actually in gameplay you can be either Jen or Scree, switching with Select. This is massively helpful as our lil Rocky is quite resourceful.

Our neat little Scree can climb stone calls, and carry things like torches etc. He's also a walking battery, by draining life from crystals and corpses he feeds Jen the energy she needs to stay alive and kickin butt.
The Rift Gates allow you to portal between different parts in each realm. They are also the gateways that allow you access to each Realm in the Nexus.
 First you must travel to Solum. It is a land of eternal Night and Winter. Those who inhabit Solum are the fierce Ferai. The Ferai live by traditions, and one in particular is crucial for the realm. At the pinnacle of the King's reign he must sacrifice himself and pass power to his son, thus renewing the monarchy and the land, but King Herne hasn't done it! Why not? His son is missing, and without a son to pass the throne to he can't leave! You have to find Jared! First you'll need to be able to fight. King Herne gives you a dagger, but he also gives you a power... you begin to transform! It's horribly painful the first time, but afterwards you can transform easily in no time. In your Ferai form you can jump higher, which comes in handy throughout the game. Your weapons are glowing claws on each arm (which reminds me a lot of my poisoned katars in D2 teehee.) And face it lady, you just look cool.

A cool shot of her transforming. In each transformation your color corresponds to the form you're changing into. Green for Ferai, Blue for Undine, Purple for Wraith, and Red for Djinn.
Ferai Jen is an awesome form!
 When you've beaten that level (what like I'm gonna tell you how? Read the walkthrough for that!) You'll be taken back through the Nexus. After an educating chat with Arella its on to Aquis! (Three guess what kind of world it is..) Before you can even do anything Scree has to go into the bay and explore for a while. He finds the Undine Queen trapped in a bubble and she gives him the Undine essense to give to you. When he's back up and slipped you the glowy hand you convulse and turn Undine... on land... a giant walking fish... GET IN THE WATER! Sheesh. So you're swimming now, that sucks. The learning to swim is the most irritating thing to do, and you get to do it in say, two minutes... The Queen's bubble has raised to the surface to sacrifice you! You need to learn to swim while finding various switches to turn the machine off and get her back to the water. If you don't she'll die! Really, she'll die, game over (I learned the hard way.) This is where we learn that Scree can possess certain statues (ones made of the same stone.) When he's next to them he'll start to glow and pressing X will allow him to transfer into it and manipulate it. Your task in Aquis is to purify the water, thus curing the Undine of the maddening plague that is befalling them. To do that you need to find a bunch of generators and turn them on, while not turning into fish bait. You will have to alternate between Jen and Scree, because there are places he can go that she cannot.

Your Undine form is really neat, but the swimming sucks.
Your weapons in Aquis are Light Whips. Really neat, but still kinda hard to use with the swimming around. Just face them and swing, that's about all you can do.
 Save Aquis? Good, back to the Nexus! After a nice chat with Arella about impending doom you'll be heading to Aetha. It's like the French Revolution, there are the Wraith Aristocrats, who are of course evil, and the lower race called Helot, the peasants who are being slaughtered by the Aristocrats. You need to find a way to put balance back into this naturally chaotic realm. To get your Wraith ability in this realm you have to complete a quest. You need to give a proper burial to a Count. When you do this and get your power you can start your real adventure. This level is really neat, and you need a lot of help from Scree. You'll get captured and Scree will have to do all the running around for a while. When he finds you, you'll be missing your vambraces and have to dress up like a Wraith aristocrat to find a key and get them back. The coolest of your Wraith powers is the ability to slow time. This ability comes in handy when fighting, in the form of a superquick dodge. VERY handy. In this level you'll have to navigate a maze, that shifts. It's kinda horrible, but if you get frustrated you'll just end up going down the same paths. Trust me I know.

Wraith Jen looks nasty, but has awesome powers.
You get an awesome whip and blade but it's hard to find good screens of it.
 Once you've beaten Aetha you'll go back to the Nexus and find Lewis! Just in time to see him rip out the heart of Chronos, the guy tho keeps all the energy going where it's supposed to. He's under Abaddons thrall. You can't do anything about it, so off to Volca. In Volca you'll get your Djinn powers early on from a nasty Djinn that you accidentally wake up by lighting the room. You'll do your running around for a bit until that nasty Djinn comes back and enthralls Jen!! The Djinn essence he gave her was tainted and now he controls her. Scree is on his own to find his way through the caverns and eventually to the Queen who gives you the true essence to give to Jen. Before you can give it to her though you have have to beat the crap out of her. You have to possess a statue and beat her before she kills you, and this was the only place in the game where I died easily. The best thing to do is just stay up on her and move side to side while hitting her. She'll kick the crap out of you, but if you run and try to strategize be prepared to die over and over again. Stay on her and keep hitting and you'll be surprised at how quickly you can kill her. You give her the true essence and heal her back up and you're back on the path again. Navigating Lava, door switches, and statues consumes your time until you get to the big nasty. When you beat him, you'll be on your way.

You know she's badass.
You get 2 sets of weapons as Djinn. Your normal set is a really long set of swords, and if you press O and switch you get a set of daggers which are faster, but don't hit as hard.
 Its here that Scree resumes his true form as Abdizur as he gets his real body back. Jen is all surprised even though Arella pretty much spelled it out for her 2 chapters back. Now that you have Abdizur you guys are off and get to fight the Bosses. You start out at Jen, having to fight Lewis in each of your forms. First you'll fight as Ferai, and even though you can change out to something stronger you'll still do better matching his skills if you stick with the form they give you. When you've beaten him 1/4 the way, you'll both be transported underwater for an Undine battle. Beware the stupid Ink squirts. When he's down to half you'll be transported back to the Nexus for a Wraith style fight. Here's where your Wraith Dodge comes in handy because he can hit you while he Wraith dodges. Beat him down to 1/4 life left and it'll cut to Abdizur. Run, you need to get to the shiny shield that's laying on the ground. You'll have to beat Belhazur down to half life and then he'll jump up into this laser thing and shoot at you, you use the shield as a block and to blow out the lights. Each time you blow out a light Belhazur will come back down to beat on you with full life. When you've blown up the last light Belhazur will plummet with the contraption and you'll go back to fighting Lewis in your Djinn forms. Just beat the crap out of him and prepare for the ending videos!

You're Ladyship Jen in Wraith disguise.
Abdizur's true form.
 I won't tell you all of what happens in the end, I've spoiled to much about the end fight anyway. I loved this game. It was a major pain in the ass but it was fun too! I finished it in a week. I would have been able to do it in probably 5 days if I would have had time to sit down and spend more time on it. Replayability? I would definitely do it again. Even though it would be the same, knowing what you have to do let's you improve your time and skill at it. And I'd like to go through and be able to find all the Tarot cards myself (Since I can't find the cheat to let me unlock them lol.)

There are a bunch of cool things to unlock in this game, and the easiest way to do it is just to play the game! You unlock different things after each level. Here's a quick list of what you unlock naturally and when.
  • Unlock Actors Featurette: Finish the realm of Solum to unlock the Actors Featurette.
  • Unlock Making Of Movie: Finish the realm of Aquis to unlock the "Making of" movie.
  • Unlock 16Volt Interview: Finish the realm of Aetha to unlock the 16Volt Interview.
  • Unlock Trailer Video: Finish the realm of Volca to unlock the Trailer Video.
To unlock the Tarot Gallery of Concept Art, just find and pick up Tarot cards throughout the game. They appear as little glowing white things lying on the floor, usually in hard to reach places.

 To cheat and unlock things the oh so easy way you can use the codes below. Unfortunately most of the codes are for the PAL or Collector's version of the game. The list for the regular version is somewhat slim, cause no one has figured them all out yet unfortunately. I recommend beating the game by yourself before you try any cheats, even the Tarot Gallery, just to see how awesome it is to do it by yourself, and to see how many cards you can find on your own. If you still want to cheat, here you go. ((NOTE: I have not had a chance to try out these cheats, these are compiled from the most trustworthy gaming sites on the net. If you have a cheat that I don't have, please email it to me and I'll put it up here after I try it out.))

To get to the cheat screen you need to be at the selectable menu. Hold the L1, L2, R1, and R2 buttons down for 5 seconds and a cheat menu will pop up. To change the letters you hold X and press <- or ->. To go to the next letter press ->. To confirm the cheat, press square.

PAL or Collecter's Cheats
Invulnerability DEMONISE
Unlock Aquis CHARYBDIS
Unlock Aetha FLINTLOCK
Unlock Volca SUNSTONE
Unlock Tarot Gallery ARCANUM
Unlock Bonus A SEABREEZE
Unlock Bonus B AURORA
Unlock Bonus C PSYCHOSIS
Unlock Bonus D MIRRORY
Unlock Bonus E ASCENDANT

Note: Bonuses A-D are the Videos that you unlock after beating the level. Bonus E unlocks Bonuses A-D.


Regular Version Cheats
Please remember I have not checked these cheats. If you want to check them and email me to tell me which works and which don't, please do!!

Invulnerability MONSTROUS
Unlock Solum (?)
Unlock Aquis (?)
Unlock Aetha OBLIVION
Unlock Volca (?)
Unlock Tarot Gallery
Easy Kills (?)
Unlock Bonus A (?)
Unlock Bonus B PRIMAL
Unlock Bonus D MORTALIS
Unlock Bonus E OBLIVION


Walkthrough: Until I finish my awesome complete walkthrough you have to go use an incomplete (in my opinion) version online at LunaBean.Com, Tarot Card Locations (as per can be found there until my walkthrough is final drafted

For the Official Game manual in PDF form DL it here, courtesy of Sony.Com. Even if you think you don't need it, it is AWESOME to go through!

To view the US official Primal Site, you will need to click the Yes I am over 17 link.
To view the UK oficial Primal Site which has awesome wallpapers too click the link.

Download my Primal WinAmp2 Skin (I made it myself, first skin too.)

Happy Gaming!!

© All content within is copy write unless otherwise noted. Please do not steal my things. It’s not nice, and makes the purple monkey god angry. 


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